Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Its May 2005!

Time sure passes quickly. And the date is 19 May 2005. We are back at Thomson Medical Centre for the detailed scan at the fetal assessment unit.

As the radiographer was doing the scan, she was saying.... ok here is the lips, the abdomen, the femur. All we saw were black and white. BUT... we could see the spine. Then the question about gender.... here were some of the results:

EDD by ultrasound: 7 October 2005
Head circumference: 167.0mm
Femur Length: 31.1mm
Humerus: 30.6mm
Cisterna Magna: 4.5mm
Genitalia: Male

So small everything was.... so small and it will continue to GROW, GROW, GROW!

OH YA.... there were a few scans.... see if you can tell what is what!

And the blood test was normal too for Mum.

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