We were invited to Keegan's birthday party today. We had a buffet dinner from Neo Garden and then the usual cake cutting ceremony. My my, I must say that we have attended a few birthday celebrations recently. Many year end babies!! It was a fun night. Catching up with friends and making new ones!! I finally met Fahma (is the spelling correct?). Her name kept coming up occasionally when I speak to Eunice sometimes about work, etc. So finally good to match the face to the name.
Nat was finally introduced to the Wii. Gosh, the technology nowadays. You just need to flick your wrist and you are bowling or playing golf at home. It kind of takes the interest out of the game. I will have to introduce Nat slowly to the actual game. More beneficial for him right??
Keegan blowing his saliva onto his cake.
Keegan, his grandparents and kids.
The Teohs.
The ladies and the kids.
Nat with Uncle Sam, trying out the Wii.
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