Saturday, November 04, 2006

A father's dismay

Son Nathaniel is sick. He was diagnosed with flu this morning when we brought him to the doctor.

I guess what dismayed me was Nat was sleeping peacefully last night from 8pm to about 9pm when he woke up because he was coughing quite hard. He then turned and puked onto my shirt. As I picked him up with Lina on hand, he puked more. I brought him the the sink and he puked again. Aiyo. We were all getting smelly!!. But I guess, seeing him puking was not fun. You know he is such a bundle of joy, so active and cute. To see him puke like that reminded me of my bout of "food poisoning" or gastric flu.

Anyway, we have to monitor him, to bring down his fever, as well as to make sure his cough is suppressed, or he would be vomitting everything out!! So we have Rhinathiol, Ibuprofen and progesic to help us.

Doc says he would probably be better on Monday as he was still laughing in the clinic playing with the doc's toys.

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